Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hamming Code

Here is my second effort, its on Hamming code. 
Which is widely used in Telecommunication and Computer Architecture for error correction. So Enjoy. 

 Download PowerPoint Presentation file from HERE

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Presentation on IP Addresses

Here I'am gonna upload a ppt file of my presentation on "IP addresses" for subject "Computer Networks"..
In this presentation I tried to describe what actually IP address is.

Screen Shot:

Download Link is HERE

Why Slide Sharing

I faced problem when i searched for presentation Slides in INTERNET and it took a huge time to find. After preparing and presenting we forgot them, but we don't think that they will help someone else, just like me.
So I opend this blog to share what i've done and I am sure they will help.
I will also post slides of other persons checking the copyright. Thank You.